Loucas is one of our more colourful teamriders. He's originially from Pretoria, but was asked to leave. So he packed up his bags and drove 50kms to Joburg and called it home for a couple of years. He then moved to Cape Town in April of 2008 to see what the mother city has to offer. He's a super-talented skateboarder and a lot of fun to skate with.
I asked him a couple of dumb questions. Here are his answers...
How old are you?
20 years old.
How long have you been skating?
Roughly about 10 or 11 years. I don't remember anymore. How many boards can you ollie?
Who are your sponsors?
In no particular order: Familia Skateboards, Etnies Footwear and I just got on RVCA Clothing. Fucking hyped.
What are the things that make you want to go out and skate?
Driving around with Luke/Jacoby, streets, seeing random people smiling, laughing, Raymond Molinar, shit talking, piss taking, drinking actually, White Flight, Animal Collective, Cape Town's hills and randomness, Mini's, Bang Chong (seriously), talking to Day/Gav, JJ, Fearsome Fourie, bad steez, good steez, working a shitty 9 - 5 at a call centre, rain, wind, laziness, Steak's stories, pools, beach towns, Jonathan Muir, living in a city not a suburb.
How many benihana's have you done in your life? Over 1000?
Probably. Fuck that question! (Laughs)
Have you tried it switch?
No, but I do remember a certain Pretoria local flipping in and out of them.
Are you a famous DJ in Cape Town yet?
I'll tell you this, I haven't made it yet 'cause I'm not pretentious enough. I couldn't give two fucks about it anymore. I'm far more concerned about skateboarding to actually want to 'make' it in the Cape Town DJ scene. And plus, I'm not wearing the right shoes at the right party, shit talking the right person or wearing the right clothes to become famous over here.
Any new tattoos since I last saw you?
I'm going for my Don Pendleton artwork next month hopefully. I want new ink so badly.
I know you like to wear Hammer-pants when you skate. Can you get them in CT or do you get them couriered from JHB?
(Laughs) I don't anymore. I was a very confused boy back then.
Last words?
People should be less caught up in what everyone else is doing in this scene and focus more on themselves and their actions. Shit talking companies to get yourself somewhere will only get you hurt.
Later Bang Chong!