Toy Machine would like to welcome Collin Provost to the team. Collin officially joined the team on 10/31/09 at the Toy Machine / Halloween / Active demo. For photos of the day check out
The DJ Hero Videogame drops on October 27th in the US.....and it looks like etnies is getting some love off DJ Z-Trip with the game.
AV Premiers this weekend and next week... Clint would love for you all to try make it to the premiers so you can see the response from the viewers and to be a part of the event yourselves.Also check out the trailer below.
TOY MACHINE: Nick Trapasso & Matt Bennett, Angel Ramirez and David Reyes are on the road with Mike Burnett shooting and filming for Thrasher. The trip starts in Alburqurque, New Mexico and ends in David and Angels' hometown of Denver, Colorado. Look for daily updates on the Tum Yeto sites and Thrasher's Burnout site from June 14-24th. Leo Romeroand Ed Templeton are headed up to Vancouver BC for Emerica's The Wild Ride which kicks off on Go Skateboarding Day. Ed, Leo and a few of the other Toy Machine crew have been testing out the new Sole Technology training facility. Johnny Layton has been traveling back and forth from Phoenix to Long Beach with the homies filming for the upcoming Toy Machine video while the rest of the crew are skating around Los Angeles and Long Beach. More than half of the Toy Machine team resides in Long Beach making it easy for the team to link up and skate on a daily basis. For all the behind the scenes action of the Toy Machine team check out all of the Logan Kincade Videos.Incase you missed it Austin Stephens just put out a Pro Spotlight in Transworld and day in the Life HD video piece shot and edited by Toy Machine filmer Kevin Barnett. Diego Bucchieri just finished up a Hurley Texas tour and is back in Spain for a few weeks then headed back to Long Beach this summer.
FOUNDATION: In Foundation news Corey Duffel was in San Diego for the TWS Right Foot Forward premiere this Friday. Corey just got his cast off and physical therapy is almost complete. Look for Corey's Right Foot Forward limited board to drop in shops alongside the release of Right Foot Forward. Nuge has the June 2009 Thrasher Cover and has been traveling around the planet with Circa Combat. Gareth Stehr just returned from an Anon trip to Alaska with the rest of the Anon squad and close friends. Check out Gareth's personal blog for more info about the dirty kiwi. Sierra Fellers is working on a interview for The Skateboard mag and is putting the final touches on his first signature shoe from Circa. Look for Sierra at the Maloof Cup, Dew Tour and X-games this summer. Angel Ramirez currently has a featured interview up on
Skates For Africa is in search of new riders to represent Toy Machine Skateboards and Ruckus Trucks. If you think you have what it takes, send your sponsor-me tape to: Toy Machine Sponsorship P.O. Box 1496 Cresta 2118
Tired of getting Facebook messages from the rugby jock who now wants to be your friend?Join the Session social network at you can be friends with skaters all over the country. Tell Bod I sent you.
Skates For Africa welcomes Darren Jacoby to the team. Darren is a super talented skateboarder from Cape Town and never fails to impress.
I asked Darren a couple of questions:
Darren, how old are you? 21 years old
What is your star sign? Scorpio Do you believe in star signs? No, but I just found this on wikipedia; "In medical astrology Scorpio governs the pelvis and reproductive organs", so there might be some truth to them after all.
Where do you live? The infamous Table View. The nuclear power station down the road and the oil refinery in the middle defiantly helps in creating some eccentric personalities. Who do you skate with in Cape Town? Anyone who is down. Usual victims include Loucas, Karl, Michael, Keegan, Warren and Steve. When did you start skateboarding? About 8 years ago? I'm just getting started. What got you into it? Loucas' Benihana poster in Blunt a few years ago. (Laughs) Nah, I just picked it up from friends. Word has it you're a maniac on the road. Is that true? Maniac is the wrong word, I'm not reckless. I get easily distracted when people start shouting directions and obscurities, so sometimes I won't see a red light or something stupid like that. I'm improving though - Mark was the first sober person to compliment my driving this past December. KFC Rounder or a Steers Veggie Burger? Hitler or Gandhi?
Coke or Pepsi? Coke along with some samoosas from the Oriental Plaza after skating downtown Joburg.
Film or Digital? This is a tough question, I guess it depends on the situation. If I had the money I would go with a medium format camera (Hasselblad or Mamiya) and a fullframe digital body (Canon 1Ds MKIII or Nikon D3x). I'm shooting digital right now because learning off-camera lighting with film would cost a fortune. Kickflips or Heelflips? Kickflips. Heelflips always work in a game of SKATE though.
Horns or the Shaka? Thumbs up.
Notorious B.I.G. or Slipknot? "Lock your windows, close your doors, Biggie Smalls."
Gregory or Loucas? Gregory during weekdays and Loucas for weekends. You have an opportunity to play a Game of S.K.A.T.E with any three skateboarders. Who would you pick? Butcher, JJ and Adrian because they are the most likely to put a beer down on a game, and according to past experiences, I should come out three beers up. (Laughs) I'm going to get slapped for this answer.
Homies? There are too many but I had fun these holidays hanging out with Luke, Adrian, JJ, Butcher, Loucas, Karl, Ockie, Jason, Mark, Keegan, Michael, Steven and Bod when he isn't passed out in the girls toilets. And Gavin even though he's in London.
Last words? "Cape Town needs a park", just kidding. If skateboarders put the same amount of energy into creteing up spots instead of dealing with petitions and politicians we would be much better off right now. There are spots, it just takes some effort and a fresh perspective to see the possibilities. If that fails, there's always Barcelona.
Thanks for the interview Ockie - SFA and Familia for helping me out and Adrian and Luke for putting me up.
The formidable crew at Etnies have got themselves a new high-security TF up and rolling this month with a secretive street plaza of sorts. Have a look at the ill 60fps footage of teammates Kyle Leeper, Sean Malto, Tyler Bledsoe and newest recruit Jose Rojo.
Hey all. So, this is the first post for 2009 and a very exciting one to say the least. Jose Rojo is the new pro rider for Etnies. Check out his promo video.